Is Jesus Still Good?

Rebecca is joined again with her bestie Megh, as they take on a different approach to this week's episode. We are diving deep into scripture and specifically Psalms 10 as we wrestle with the question, "where are you God?". Oftentimes, God may take a step back from the center part of our lives to allow for us to want and search Him more. That doesn't mean that He has left you alone. In this episode, you are going to hear some deep and vulnerable times in life where both Rebecca and Megh have been angry at God and struggling with loneliness in what felt like the biggest battle yet. God still asked both girls the same question "will you believe I am still good?" Friend, this episode is packed full of tactical ways you can live into that question, how to handle doubting God, or even doubting yourself, prayer, and the valley's life will bring.

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How Do I Wait Well?