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MINISERIES Boldly Seeking Team MINISERIES Boldly Seeking Team

How Long: Habakkuk Chp 3

Habakkuk felt the weight of God’s wrath that would one day come, but it was nothing close to the heaviness Jesus felt in the Garden of Gethsemane, the night he was betrayed. Crying out to God to take the cup, but realizing that this was God’s will, the fulfilled promise that would allow for you and me to BOLDLY AND FREELY GO TO THE THRONE. 

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MINISERIES Boldly Seeking Team MINISERIES Boldly Seeking Team

How Long: Habbakuk Chapter 2

“The people of God are characterized by waiting. We are a people who wait for our God. In the waiting, we may not understand. And yet, we can trust Him.” We are called to wait, yet, why do we have a difficult time waiting? The easy answer, because we live in a “yes” world. We live in a society where we can have all the answers in a split second just from the palm of our hands. Yet, in faith, we don’t have all the answers.

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