Study, SUMMER CAMP JESUS Boldly Seeking Team Study, SUMMER CAMP JESUS Boldly Seeking Team


“You didn’t want to go at first, but now the nerves of the first day of camp have worn off. The camp food isn’t too bad. Your cabin is nice and comfortable. You have already met so many new people and can’t wait for the next chapel/ worship time. The escape from reality back home is like a breath of fresh air. “

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Study, SUMMER CAMP JESUS Boldly Seeking Team Study, SUMMER CAMP JESUS Boldly Seeking Team


“You didn’t want to go at first, but now the nerves of the first day of camp have worn off. The camp food isn’t too bad. Your cabin is nice and comfortable. You have already met so many new people and can’t wait for the next chapel/ worship time. The escape from reality back home is like a breath of fresh air. “

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Study, SUMMER CAMP JESUS Boldly Seeking Team Study, SUMMER CAMP JESUS Boldly Seeking Team


“You didn’t want to go at first, but now the nerves of the first day of camp have worn off. The camp food isn’t too bad. Your cabin is nice and comfortable. You have already met so many new people and can’t wait for the next chapel/ worship time. The escape from reality back home is like a breath of fresh air. “

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A Walk To Bethlehem: Full Study
Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team

A Walk To Bethlehem: Full Study

“The beginning of this holy story can be read in the first chapter of Luke. Luke 1:26 tells us that an angel named Gabriel was sent from God to speak with a young woman named Mary. I like to think God chose this specific angel to visit Mary because of his gentleness and compassion. Gabriel greets her by telling her that she is favored by God. Mary, of course, is taken aback as it is not every day that an angel comes to visit you while you’re doing chores. Gabriel totally gets why Mary is troubled and reassures her that she doesn’t have to be afraid. Here comes the surprising news!”

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A Walk To Bethlehem: Week 3
Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team

A Walk To Bethlehem: Week 3

“The birth of Jesus was the fulfillment of a promise that was waiting to be fulfilled for thousands of years! I want to go back to the meaning of Advent. The word “advent” means “coming or arrival”. These 4 weeks leading up to Christmas are meant to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus. And although the birth of Jesus has already happened. We are continually in a season of Advent as we prepare our hearts for the second coming of Jesus.”

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A Walk To Bethlehem: Week 2
Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team

A Walk To Bethlehem: Week 2

“When I think of the story of Jesus’s birth, I often think of a full paragraph of detail describing Mary and Joseph surrounded by livestock, how Mary laid in the hay to labor, the care with which Jesus was swaddled. How can one of the most important, if not the most important, moments in our faith be only two sentences? How is it that those two sentences have the greatest impact on our lives today? “

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A Walk To Bethlehem: Week 1
Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team Study, A WALK TO BETHLEHEM Boldly Seeking Team

A Walk To Bethlehem: Week 1

“The beginning of this holy story can be read in the first chapter of Luke. Luke 1:26 tells us that an angel named Gabriel was sent from God to speak with a young woman named Mary. I like to think God chose this specific angel to visit Mary because of his gentleness and compassion. Gabriel greets her by telling her that she is favored by God. Mary, of course, is taken aback as it is not every day that an angel comes to visit you while you’re doing chores. Gabriel totally gets why Mary is troubled and reassures her that she doesn’t have to be afraid. Here comes the surprising news!”

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To The One: Week 4
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 4

I heard a good quote that I have reminded myself of lately. “When you first start dating someone you love them because you think they are perfect. When you marry someone you love them because you know them deeply.” Obviously, we are not perfect people and that’s the reason why God sent his Son to offer forgiveness for our sins. When we see past the “perfect or imperfect” mindset and truly appreciate the personality and characteristics of people, then we are that much closer to love.

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To The One: Week 3
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 3

We’ve also come to the realization that choosing to get engaged is just as important as actually making marriage vows. Saying “yes!” to the ring means you’re entering into the covenant that leads to the wedding day. That “yes” means choosing to grow together, beginning to build a life together, having hard conversations about the logistical end of marriage, and allowing God into the center of it all.

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To The One: Week 2
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 2

The first thing we should look at in our own lives prior to beginning the journey of dating is where God is within our priorities. It’s important to ask yourself: Is God and His plan for your life your first priority? If God is not your first priority prior to dating, it is going to only make it that much harder to put Him first once you begin dating. When you do find that special someone that captivates you, it can be easy to let that person consume your time and thoughts, but when we begin dating with a foundation that is built upon God, we will maintain our relationship with God as our first priority.

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To The One: Week 1
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 1

It may take time to be at that point in your life, but embrace the time you have to focus on yourself. Practice Self-love, go on adventures, embrace the moments of singleness because it’s only a season. A man one day will look at you the way God looks at you, and you will embrace a whole new part of life, but for now, embrace this part of life, because God is working in and through you to be the best support system for a man who is ready to go on mission with you for the kingdom

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I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team


It was when David entered the room where Samuel was that the Lord spoke to Samuel saying, “Rise and anoint him; this is the one.” This image is so powerful as we begin to explore our identity in Christ. Could you imagine hearing God say to you specifically, “Rise so I can anoint you, You are the one.” Guess what? When we give God our heart, our life, and even our every day, he says “Rise.” I always imagine looking up and seeing God face to face smiling at me, knowing that he is choosing me today to live for him, but I also choose Him to guide me, I chose life. We have this special opportunity to choose life. We have the opportunity to, instead of choosing what we want, to choose what God says is right.

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Study, BE BOLD Guest User Study, BE BOLD Guest User


“Be Bold” is a 3 week study that looks at walking in the boldness of faith. This study is our foundational study as a ministry that explains, challenges, and explores our tag line. Boldly Seek. Boldly Ask. Boldly Love Each week will lead us on a journey of boldness as we learn what it means to Be Bold in our faith!

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“BE BOLD”: Boldly Love
Study, BE BOLD Guest User Study, BE BOLD Guest User

“BE BOLD”: Boldly Love

This question leads us right into what we are going to talk about, what does it look like for us to give 100% of our love to God? How do we love God? Being able to fully love God with our hearts, allows for us to be satisfied in any relationships we are in. Your spouse, boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancé, can never fully satisfy you, only God can. When we love God we need to love Him with our heart, mind, soul, and strength. The beautiful thing about the Bible is that we don’t have to sit and figure out how we love God. He tells us exactly how to chase after him with our whole self.

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“BE BOLD”: Boldly Ask
Study, BE BOLD Guest User Study, BE BOLD Guest User

“BE BOLD”: Boldly Ask

In my life, I’ve struggled with asking questions of God. It’s hard when you can’t get the instant gratification of an audible answer, but, it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t ask. Asking questions of God goes beyond a question. It becomes a conversation.

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“BE BOLD”: Boldly Seek
Study, BE BOLD Boldly Seeking Team Study, BE BOLD Boldly Seeking Team

“BE BOLD”: Boldly Seek

Over the course of the next three weeks, we will be walking you through each section of the above phrase. We hope this study is challenging, uplifting, but also brings a sense of hope and eagerness to dive deeper into our relationship with God. “Be Bold” is the foundation and the launchpad to our 2021 season and we are SO excited to see what is coming up in the next year!

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I AM: Week 1
I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team I AM, Study Boldly Seeking Team

I AM: Week 1

Week one of the I Am study is HERE! Watch the video, download your packet, and join others as we look at our identity as, “I AM CHOSEN.

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