From Battles to Breakthroughs

Tina Allen resides in Duluth, MN. She is a single mother to teenage daughter Olivia, and proud dog mom to her rescue, Milo. 

Tina writes to inspire and empower others to flourish in their journey with Christ. No matter what has occurred in your life, you are never too far for the Father’s love to reach. 

You can stay connected with Tina Allen by visiting her blog at, or follow her on Instagram at

We all have scars. Perhaps you have a visible scar from a childhood accident. Or, maybe you have an invisible scar on the inside of your heart from a time of heartbreak and loss. Our scars tell a story. They tell the story of where we’ve been, and where we are going. 

It is also true that our struggles draw us closer to God. From late 2021 until present, I have experienced battle after battle. From divorce, followed by relocation, and most recently, chronic pain which resulted in double joint replacement surgery, these last three years have been anything but easy. In fact, some days were downright nearly impossible. However, despite these numerous battles, I have never felt closer to the Lord. 

You may be asking yourself, “How do the battles we face on this earth draw us closer to God?” Jeremiah 1:19 states, “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, says the Lord” (NIV). So, if you are facing a battle in your life, let me suggest three ways to draw closer to God. 

If you are not reading your Bible, start there first. Pick up a user-friendlly version, such as the New International Version, or by downloading a Bible app on your smartphone. If using a Bible app, you will be able to discover several Bible reading plans. However, start slow and read for five to ten minutes a day. I would also suggest you start by reading in the Gospels, which depict the life of Jesus during his time of ministry on Earth. 

Secondly, one should lament. Lament means bringing your feelings of grief, pain, and dispair to God. We were given emotions for a reason, and who better to express those emotions to. God can handle our big emotions!

Finally, turn to God in prayer and journaling. We see Jesus model a time of prayer several times in the Bible. (Matthew 14:23) When we pray, it is often very easy to bring our list of requests to God. But when facing a battle, we need to stay and linger in prayer as a way to help us hear from God. Then we can journal during the battle as an external means to help process what we are experiencing. Journaling allows us to unpack the heavy burdens our heart has kept during the battle. 

During this time of battle, by drawing closer to God in the above ways, I can see how He was removing the old and “dead” things in my life. God needed to remove these things so I could know without a doubt that He is all that I need. This season allowed me to fully lean into God and experience His love and grace in a fresh and intimate way. 

As of March 2024, I have 2 four inch scars on my left and right hips from my recent double joint replacement procedures. These scars serve a physical reminder of not only what I faced, but who was with me during some of the most difficult times in my life. Remember, “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalms 46:1 NIV)  With His strength, we can move from battles to breakthroughs. 


In The Middle


Knowing Jesus Deeply and Hearing Him Daily