Humble Heart

A humble heart is what I need

To see this world

The way You see

So many faces 

in the many places You created

Truthfully we’re all just living in curiosity

I’ve wondered what this life had for me

Then I found You

And You began to work

Lord, I give You my trust

To Use me and do as You please

Following your guidance, You led me to Haiti


A place of poverty

Where so many are thirsty...

I came to seek and fill the empty cups 

Of those lost and in need

But as I looked around

This all became too much for me

My heart broke

When this little boy wrapped his arms around me...

He was just one

And he didn’t want to let go

so he held on

But I had to leave

For danger was near

This was the moment it started to break me

That night I laid in bed wondering...

Lord, why me?

This is not what I expected this mission to be.

A few days go by

I’ve seen the lows, I’ve seen the highs 

But through it all

I saw Your love

In those around me, with nothing, but just TRUST

In You, Jesus 

I witnessed faith and I witnessed strength

That’s when I realized why You chose me

For this mission.


To humble my heart

For what I should expect

Is to not expect

For a humble heart

Has no regret

You called me to do Your work

To spread love with no expectations

To do things without the attention

To honor with no need for appreciation

Because a humble heart is what I needed

To grow as a person and to be who You called me to be. 

I came to Haiti in hopes to make a change, but it changed me! 

“He leads the humble in doing right, teaching them his way.” (‭‭Psalms‬ ‭25:9‬)

“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.””

(‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭17:10‬)


Dare You To Ask

