New Each Day

It has been quite a busy season for our team here! I feel like it has been quite some time since I, Rebecca, have been on the blog, so here is a bit on what God has been teaching me these past few months. 

Over the past few months, I have been through a whirlwind of emotions, and the one thing is that Jesus has shown up in so many ways. He has shown up in healing, in joy, in new adventure, in restored relationships, in hard days, easy days, and everything in between. 

To be honest, I was going to take this blog in a totally different direction, but sometimes you have to walk where the spirit is leading. So here goes nothing. I just got done talking with my mom about how much I missed my aunt. It has been almost a year since I last saw her in person before she passed away in December of 2021. It was a devastating time for our family, and to this day, especially now, I find myself in moments of sadness and longing just to hear her voice again. I then head down this rabbit hole and feel the feelings of things that have happened over the past few months. The loss of a relationship I thought was going to be my forever. The loss of myself and who I was as an individual. The loss for motivation to even do the things I love. 

There’s a lot of loss in that last paragraph, some of them big, and others small. However, even right now, the loss brings beauty, even in ways we least expect it. Each one of these losses have been redeemed in one way or another. It has brought our family closer together, the workings of a healthy friendship, the finding of myself again in a new light and new motivation to do what God has called me to do. 

Now, I am not sitting here writing that every loss in my life has been redeemed, there are still times of sorrow and grief. Moments where there wasn’t any closure or explanation that decreases the feelings of confusion. But what I am sitting here telling you is that it is ok, my friend. It is ok to sit in the silence of your heart and weep at the feet of Jesus. He hears and feels your pain. I think of the moment that Mother Mary was at the foot of the cross, weeping in pain over seeing her son on the cross.

We can weep and sit in sorrow, but have hope in the redemptive love of Jesus that comes each and every day for us.

Lamentations 3:22-24 says this…

“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. "The LORD is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him.

This passage in Lamentations doesn’t say if you are feeling sad or dealing with loss that Jesus is just going to leave you on the curb and keep moving on. No, the mercy and love of Jesus is new each day, we can have hope in that our souls can find peace in Jesus. 

I encourage you today friend that whatever you might be walking through. The loss that you are feeling, the emptiness, the overwhelming emotion. Give yourself space at the foot of the cross. Know that Jesus’ love for you is new each day and you can hope in his faithfulness and love. 


Speaking of Parables


Give Me a Sign