Saying Yes to the Ride

Monica and Angelica Nelson are teaming up to write this week! These sisters are dedicated to spreading hope and love throughout their college campus. Monica being a student and Angelica as an employee, these two are the total dynamic duo on campus! They are sharing a piece of their heart today, and we welcome them to the community!

Read below, comment, and join the conversation! XO, the Boldly Seeking Team

We aren’t usually the adventurous types. However, growing up, our family often found our way to the Mall of America amusement park, spending the day on rides that provided just enough thrill and excitement but not too much. We would choose the rides that were tall enough but relatively tame. During one visit, our uncle challenged us to ride the big roller coaster. We’re not talking any roller coaster, this was THE SpongeBob roller coaster. Most of us backed away, refusing to take a chance. Yet, from the back of the crowd piped up the quiet voice of little Jelly. She was barely tall enough to ride, but she quickly responded saying, “I’ll go!” After getting strapped into the ride, she was suddenly filled with doubt. “I don’t think I want to do this anymore,” she pleaded with our uncle. Unfortunately, it was too late to look back, and the ride started up the daunting slope. The ride was scary with many unpredictable twists and turns, but she was strapped in and, eventually, let go of her fears and let herself enjoy the ride. We all watched with amazement to see our little sister do what none of us felt brave enough to do. When the ride ended, Jelly walked toward us, beaming with pride. “Let’s go again!” she yelled.

In life, we are constantly faced with roadblocks in our lives that seem impossible to overcome. God calls us to take leaps of faith, sometimes in seemingly trivial ways and other times in ways that change our lives. How do we respond when God calls us? Do we trust that He will be with us through it all?

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One of our favorite bible verses comes from the book of Romans. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” If we truly believe this to be true, how could we ever doubt the goodness of God? Sometimes we even say yes to the Lord, only to doubt that He will provide for us. Just like Jelly was filled with sudden doubt and fear on the roller coaster, we can find ourselves wanting to control the situations God puts us in. Yet, as the verse states, nothing - not even death itself - can separate us from the love of God.

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When God calls us today, will we respond with a quick, “I’ll go,” or will we doubt the love of God? In this strange time, it can be easy to doubt the love of God. Amidst uncertainty and chaos, we question where God is and why He is allowing us to feel unsure. But what if He’s right alongside us through it all? We might not see the end of the ride, but we can trust that He is guiding us. By trusting Him, we can be the greatest witnesses to our brothers and sisters in Christ. We can bring the peace and joy of Christ into the world through the way we respond to uncertainty. When Jelly got off the roller coaster filled with confidence, we all grew in admiration, wondering if I too might be able to conquer the SpongeBob coaster?

We can move forward amidst uncertainty, knowing that He is with us. His word and His promises keep us strapped in and safe. And at some point, the ride will be over, and we will have the grace to reflect on the journey He has carried us through. Let’s respond today in confidence, trusting that He is with us and along

for the ride.


The Still, Small Voice


A Moment of Thanks