The Love Letter

Stacia was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri where she gave her life to Christ at the young age of 11. After moving to Florida for law school, Stacia met her husband Trey and settled down in sunny South Florida where they now live with their two children and salt and pepper pup! She is passionate about sharing her journey of faith with others and encouraging women in their relationships with Christ. Through blogging, she has begun sharing some of her life experiences as a believer with the hopes of helping women to see that not only is God present in her circumstances, but also in their own. Overall, Stacia’s faith and family mean more than words could express which is why she is so happy to participate as a guest writer during the month of September to share what God has placed on her heart with everyone . For spiritual encouragement and all the adorableness that two toddlers can bring, you can find her on IG @faithandfamilygirl.

It’s Friday night, I’ve ordered my favorite takeout and lit my favorite candles. I’m cozy, relaxed and I pull out my phone and activate my “do not disturb” settings as I open my bible to “read the Word and chill.” Pure bliss. No seriously…I would literally get lost in the bible, would look up and hours, yes HOURS have passed me by!  There's something to be said about sitting in the presence of God and allowing His Word to settle into your spirit as you learn more about Him and how to apply his teachings to your life. Truth be told, the Bible is God’s way of communicating intimately and directly with us. Simply stated, it’s God’s love letter to us all. 

My Friday nights went this way for a while during my mid to late twenties and I loved it.  I’m now thirty-five and a husband and three children later, my Fridays look much different now. But isn’t that the truth for most of us? Seasons change. It still remains that my bible is more than a book that I read because I’m a Christian. It’s my way to connect with God. 

There are seasons in life when I’ve desperately needed to hear from God and seasons where I’ve wanted to make my own decisions. Factor in all the responsibilities of the day and the need for rest, and you’ll also find seasons where my bible would sit on my nightstand without as much as a glance upon it. Of course, I’d still read on the go via my phone, but I’m a “ hold the bible in your hands kind of girl” and in each of these seasons, there was either revelation or conviction. God is always waiting to speak to us and guide us, we just have to be willing to take the step of seeking him.

Matthew 7:7 says “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened.” 

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During seasons where you’re praying and asking but, there seems to be “no“ answer, ask yourself:

Have I been seeking God through His Word? Am I clearing out any distractions so that I may hear Him?

I’m sure that you’ll find that the answers to each of these questions will be no. While there are several ways to seek God, be it through worship, prayer, fellowshipping with other Believers, and even going to church, truly knowing Him and building a relationship with Him begins with the bible. 

When meeting a new friend or continuing to build upon a current friendship, I always ask questions or bask in the knowledge of the information that is shared with me. I’m intentional about finding time to meet up and it’s important that I check in just to make sure all is well and to offer assistance if things are not. The same concept applies with God. How can you personally get to know Him without spending time with Him through His Word? How can you hear from Him if you don’t know His voice? How will you know his voice if you aren’t hearing from Him through His Word? Ultimately, how will you navigate life as a Believer without connecting with God and learning what He has to say? 

A few of my favorite scriptures when it comes to seeking God through His Word are:

Matthew 4:4

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.' "

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Proverbs 8:17

I love those who love me, and those who seek me, find me. 

2 Timothy 3:16

All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.

Hebrews 4:12

For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

With so much information coming our way on a daily basis, you can be sure that with God’s Word, you don’t have to filter out anything. God will speak directly to you and you will get to know more of Him. After all, knowing Him is the purpose of scripture. While you’ll get to learn more about God by reading the bible, you’ll also be building a personal relationship with Him. 

Take the time to read the love letter that God has so graciously provided for his children. Remember, seek and you shall find.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the heart of those reading this post today. Thank you for your Word that is void of error or inaccuracy, that is true, specific, full of integrity, and canonical. Thank you for the ability to know and experience You through your Word. You are magnificent! I ask that You create a desire in the hearts of each reader to want to spend more time with You. Gracious Father, I ask that you speak to our hearts and show us all how willing you are to speak into our lives if only we would seek You. Let your Word be like water to us, quenching our thirst so that we may truly know You. All of these things I ask in Jesus' Holy name, Amen. :)




You are a God of Seasons


I Choose Humility