The Story Behind Boldly Seeking

Welcome! It is humbling to have you here to read our story behind this resource and our mission. Let me start out with a little background on myself before I get into the story behind Boldly Seeking. I grew up in Minnesota and was very active in the church. Fun fact, I was one of those kids that if I wanted to “stay home sick” from school my parents would proceed to say “then you can’t go to church tonight.” Miraculously, I felt a thousand times better. Crazy how fast you can jump back to health, right?! But I always wanted to be at church. However, growing up I felt a longing to do something different. There was a piece missing in my relationship with Jesus, and let me tell you it wasn’t because I didn’t go to church, I had that part taken care of. It wasn’t until moving to Minneapolis for college that I began to find the missing link that had kept me wandering for years. The answer – a relationship. Now, I am not talking about a romantic relationship, but a relationship with the one and only true King, Jesus. I had grown up in the church, volunteered, mentored other girls, but the key component was having a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. A relationship that was built on the foundation of the Bible. Taking time to be in the word, pray, and talk to Him in every minute of my day.

Throughout college I began to understand what it meant to seek the Lord and have a personal relationship with Him. I was thankful my sophomore year to begin working in a church plant in Minneapolis that taught me more, yet also challenged me with what it meant to fully put my trust in the Lord. Through this church, and still to this day, I am in awe of God’s faithfulness when we continually put our trust in his hands (I’ll dive in deeper to that in a later post). As I began to take my faith more serious, the still small whisper of the Lord became a much louder voice. Thus, began the seed of Boldly Seeking.

The tagline for Boldly Seeking is split into two parts. The first being “Boldly Seeking more of Jesus,” and the second “Boldly Seek. Boldly Ask. Boldly Love.” When the idea of even starting a resource like this, I began to think of what would a name even consist of. As I was thinking the word “bold” came to mind. Messing around with phrases, I began to think of my experiences and how it wasn’t until I intentionally was seeking the Lord that I was able to see so much more of who He was, and is. Leaving us with the name Boldly Seeking. What does it mean to boldly seek the Lord? What does it mean to boldly ask those God size prayers? Finally, what does it mean to boldly love God, others, and ourselves?

As Meg and Alicia (my co-creators, you will get a chance to meet them in the coming weeks), began to look at the mission behind what we were trying to accomplish the Lord continued to speak. We started a team bible study and that day was focusing on exactly what our goal needed to be with this project. Boldly Seeking was then based on the foundation of these verses:

Philippians 1: 9-11 “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.”

Ephesians 3: 16-19 “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”


This is our prayer behind Boldly Seeking. Through the stories from our team and guest writers (who are going to be AMAZING), virtual and community events, and conversation with those around us, we pray that you are able to understand the fullness of God. This resource isn’t meant for a certain group of people. You can be in middle school, high school, college, you can read these together as a family, small group, bible study, or youth group and have deeper conversations, or you may be a pastor or ministry leader. Whether you have known the Lord for a long time, only a short time, or not at all, our team is here for YOU. No matter what, we want you to be encouraged and challenged to boldly seek the Lord every minute of every day. For me, seeking the Lord in my every day life was just the beginning. So, let me end with how I started, welcome! Welcome to our community, welcome to the beginning of something much bigger, and we are SO excited to have you join us on this journey, TOGETHER!  


Our Revelation