The Hardest Word To Say

Over the next few weeks, you will hear stories from my team on how boldly seeking the Lord has changed their life. So this week, you are stuck with me! I want to ask you a question, what is the hardest word to say? 

I’ll give you a minute to think…. 

Ok, trick questions, but the answer is “yes”. Saying Yes is the hardest thing any of us can say. 

The first hard “yes” all of us had to say was “yes” to let the Lord into our hearts. As we walk through life, we continue to approach times where the Lord desires for us to say yes. I remember one of those moments was when I said yes to moving away for college. Growing up I was a homebody, I never wanted to be that far away from home, and you could say I was comfortable. 

However, here’s the thing, if I didn’t say yes and be pushed outside of my comfort zone, I would not have met the people I did, been plugged into an amazing church, and graduated with some of the best memories. When we say yes to the Lord, we aren’t saying yes to being comfortable, we are saying yes to the uncomfortable. 

When I was in school, I was asked by a pastor and his wife to come on board with them to help plant the church of their dreams, and support them in the worship service. Walking away from the initial conversation, I felt scared and unsure why the Lord was putting this in my path. Saying yes to something like this would mean stepping out of my comfort zone to fully trust the Lord’s provision. I was going to miss seeing other churches around the Twin Cities, not have the ability to go to church with my roommates, or be able to immerse myself in an already established community. As hard as it was to know exactly why the Lord was pressing on my heart to say yes, I knew that when I said yes to the Lord, despite how scared I was, I was stepping into His Will for me. Do I regret saying yes? Absolutely not! 

Here’s the thing, when we step into God’s Will and say yes, we are not going to fail. Sure, it may be hard, but it won’t be impossible because God works for the GOOD of those who love Him.

Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Luke 22:42 “Not my will, Lord. But your will be done.” 

Abraham said yes when he was to sacrifice his only son God had promised him. Esther said yes to standing up for her people even if it meant her own life was at risk. Peter and Andrew were the first to say yes to following Jesus, and supporting His ministry on Earth even if it meant they would be persecuted. Joshua said yes when he was called to lead Israel into the promise land. Mary said yes to carry the Son of God even if it meant she would be considered an outcast. The most important yes that we read in the Bible is when Jesus said yes to dying on the cross for you and me. 

Notice how each one of these examples did not end in tragedy? Yes, Jesus died a painful death, but the truth is that he was raised to life three days later!! Just like Romans 8 said, God works for the good, knowing this, and seeking the Lord to know more of who he is each day, helps us to say yes to whatever God is calling us to.

Being called to say “yes” in an area of your life is being called to the purpose God has for you. When I stepped all in for God, and for the start of this church plant, God spoke to me in ways I never imagined. I met some of the most inspirational people (that’s how I met Alicia, one of our co-creators), and I was challenged to boldly step out in faith to seek the Lord in every area of my life. 

PC Alysha Rose Photography

PC Alysha Rose Photography

God is never going to leave us hanging when we say yes to His will. I said yes, and when I did I saw more of who God is. I saw more of His attributes in the people I saw each week. Even though I didn’t know what God was going to use me for in the church, He showed up each Sunday and there were some weeks I saw Heaven right in front of me. Whatever you do, say yes to, and let God take control of, will not be considered useless. 

1 Corinthians 15:58 “So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 

Launching Boldly Seeking was another moment that I needed to say “yes.” It was a hard thing to say “God your Will be done,” but when we are able to take that step we get to see what God’s purpose truly is.

When we seek the Lord, saying yes becomes easier and exciting. Because when we say yes to the Lord, we aren’t saying yes to being comfortable, we are saying yes to the uncomfortable and seeing so much more of who He is. 

Take some time to ask the Lord what he is wanting you to say “yes” to. Is there an area in your life you are shutting God out of and he is wanting you to say “yes” to let him in? Are you needing to make a big decision? Are you wanting to say yes to something but need courage?

Friend - I encourage you to take that step of faith and say yes because I promise, you will not regret the power of God that you see when you step into his will and plan for you!


Why Boldly Seek? He doesn’t expect Perfection.


Our Revelation