Who’s on YOUR Team?

We walk through multiple teams in life. Sports teams, leadership teams, ministry teams, and even groups like music, theater, and so much more. Teams are an integral part of life. But let me ask you one question, who is on YOUR team? 

This has been a question that I have come back to multiple times in the past couple of months. Who are the people that I can go to with my hurt, sorrow, and pain? Who are the people that speak LIFE into me? Who are the people that support me, team up with me, challenge me, and encourage me? 

It is important to have those people that you can go to with anything, ask for help, guidance, prayer, and just to sit sometimes. I know for me over the last few months I have been able to see my team, not just my Boldly Seeking team, but my life team gathered around me through hurt, pain, and sorrow. The moments where I feel stressed or going through a bit of anxiety I can send the lightning bolt emoji to those people and they are immediately sending me prayers and encouragement. I can not speak enough on the importance of having a team to walk through life with you. The people that are going to lift you up and support you in all of life’s ups and downs. 

I encourage you to take time and write down on a list the people you would consider to be on YOUR team. What if I told you, you are part of a bigger team beyond just those individuals? You are part of a great shared mission and vision the second you said yes to Jesus. The list you just created… Well friend, your name is on Jesus’ list as someone who is on his team! When you said yes to him, you joined His team, and His mission. He sends all His people out to share the good news and to be disciples that make disciples. No matter your past, your sin, your hurts and hang ups, when it comes to the mission of the Gospel no one is too inadequate. 

Galatians 3:26-28 26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

There will be times that we can feel drained, exhausted, and wanting to give up. Just like when I am feeling that way I send a lightning bolt to my team we can draw strength from those around us, but also Jesus. 

I love this version from the Message on Romans 15:1-2.

Those of us who are strong and able in the faith need to step in and lend a hand to those who falter, and not just do what is most convenient for us. Strength is for service, not status. Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, “How can I help?”

Not only can we draw strength from others, but as a team we should be able to give strength to others when they are in need. “Strength is for service, not status” but also power comes through unity not division. Paul reminds the church in Rome, later in Romans 15 that there is a God who gives endurance and encouragement so we should be of the same attitude and mind towards each other. Then with one mind and one voice we can glorify God together as a team. 

Take time to reflect on who YOUR team is! My team is made up of my closest friends and mentors. They are the people I can go to for anything. To seek guidance, wisdom, and prayer, but also to show up in my hurt and pain. Then take time to look at how you can continue to move and grow on GOD’S team!


Give Me a Sign

