To The One: Week 4
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 4

I heard a good quote that I have reminded myself of lately. “When you first start dating someone you love them because you think they are perfect. When you marry someone you love them because you know them deeply.” Obviously, we are not perfect people and that’s the reason why God sent his Son to offer forgiveness for our sins. When we see past the “perfect or imperfect” mindset and truly appreciate the personality and characteristics of people, then we are that much closer to love.

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To The One: Week 3
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 3

We’ve also come to the realization that choosing to get engaged is just as important as actually making marriage vows. Saying “yes!” to the ring means you’re entering into the covenant that leads to the wedding day. That “yes” means choosing to grow together, beginning to build a life together, having hard conversations about the logistical end of marriage, and allowing God into the center of it all.

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To The One: Week 2
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 2

The first thing we should look at in our own lives prior to beginning the journey of dating is where God is within our priorities. It’s important to ask yourself: Is God and His plan for your life your first priority? If God is not your first priority prior to dating, it is going to only make it that much harder to put Him first once you begin dating. When you do find that special someone that captivates you, it can be easy to let that person consume your time and thoughts, but when we begin dating with a foundation that is built upon God, we will maintain our relationship with God as our first priority.

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To The One: Week 1
Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team Study, TO THE ONE Boldly Seeking Team

To The One: Week 1

It may take time to be at that point in your life, but embrace the time you have to focus on yourself. Practice Self-love, go on adventures, embrace the moments of singleness because it’s only a season. A man one day will look at you the way God looks at you, and you will embrace a whole new part of life, but for now, embrace this part of life, because God is working in and through you to be the best support system for a man who is ready to go on mission with you for the kingdom

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