365 days of God’s Faithfulness


The day is here and Boldly Seeking is officially ONE!!!! I have been smiling all week leading up to this moment where our team can look back at the beginning and see how far we have come. It was a year ago today that our team said “yes” to a call of cultivating a community to walk in Bold Faith. In 365 days, we have met INCREDIBLE people from around the world, expanded our team with Jenni joining us this past fall, releasing 2 full-length studies, a handful of online events, and much more. 

A couple of weeks ago I spoke with a local youth group on the art of celebration (go check out that blog if you haven’t read it yet). One of my points from the sermon has stuck with me through the past few weeks as our team has been reflecting and preparing to celebrate this milestone. 

When we celebrate we remember God’s faithfulness. 

This past week I have been remembering every single moment that God showed up and continued to provide, staying faithful to his promise that He would lead us and guide us through this season. 

I remember the week leading up to the launch of Boldly Seeking; Megh and I had some late nights putting everything together, and as we were thinking about our mission and vision we both were staring at each other over facetime with blank stares. It was later that night that I sat down to my bible study, and God showed up. His words were spoken into motion the plan He had for this ministry. 

The foundation of Boldly Seeking was found through the verses of my bible study. 

Philippians 1:9-11 “And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ – to the glory and praise of God.” 

Ephesians 3: 16-19 “I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge – that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.”

As we put together an entire ministry in under 2 weeks, late nights, multiple phone calls, and a hefty amount of writing, looking back, God was there through it all. Experiencing something so surreal like those moments of feeling God walk through exactly what he plans for something like this, and you are the vessel that has the honor of bringing it to the world. Talk about God’s faithfulness. 


If you watched our Retelling live last night (you should check that out too!), I asked Megh and Jenni if they would ever imagine them saying “yes” to something like this. The consensus: definitely not! However, for them to say yes was God’s faithfulness of shining through and providing them a space to grow where they needed to grow! Even for myself, and Alicia (currently in Mexico on her honeymoon), saying yes to the call of Boldly Seeking has stretched us in ways that we never thought would have happened in our lives. 

Reaching out to our guest writers, building relationships with individuals around the country, God’s faithfulness showed up again, in providing opportunities for us to even meet many of these influential leaders. Even more so, being supported by them. 

Those are only a few instances, but there are sooooo many more moments where God’s faithfulness is what has carried us through this entire year. You will have a chance to read and see these moments throughout the week! 

As we head into year two we are in awe, excited, expectant, and eager to see what God will do through Boldly Seeking, where it will go, and who we will meet along the way! We can say that there are A LOT of things coming in Year TWO! More guest writers, more new additions, more surprises, bigger gatherings, and a dream of ours that was halted by COVID will be put back in the works, hopefully coming up this summer! 

Thank you friends for joining us this past year! If you have been with us since the beginning or if today is your first day here, we are thankful for you! Boldly Seeking is created as a place of real, raw, vulnerable, talks that allow for us to walk through the good and the bad parts of life! We love you, we are ALWAYS here for you, and we cannot WAIT to continue celebrating God’s faithfulness over this past year with you this week! 

xo, the boldly seeking team


Answers To Prayer


The Art of Celebration