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Boldly Seeking Team Boldly Seeking Team

365 days of God’s Faithfulness

The day is here and Boldly Seeking is officially ONE!!!! I have been smiling all week leading up to this moment where our team can look back at the beginning and see how far we have come. It was a year ago today; that our team said “yes” to a call of cultivating a community to walk in Bold Faith.

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FROM THE TEAM Boldly Seeking Team FROM THE TEAM Boldly Seeking Team

Merry Christmas!

As a tiny baby, God came down in human form to give us a new start. To give us freedom. This baby that was born in the manager was the incarnate word of God. The remarkable thought is a baby held all the kingdom and power on his shoulders. Could you imagine that as a baby? Holding all the power and weight of the world on your shoulders?

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