Unfading Glory

Psalm 19:1-2

“The heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.”

When we think of God's glory, we are reminded that it is not something that we can fully comprehend, yet it is something that surrounds us daily. From the beauty of a tree changing its fall colors, to the espance of the northern light, creation testifies to the magnificence of God’s handiwork. In every leaf falling and every star in the sky, God’s glory is on display. 

The Hebrew word for glory in this context is “kavod” which implies weightiness or significance. God’s glory is not fleeting or superficial– it is deep, substantial, and eternal. It transcends time and space and can be seen in the great and small alike. His glory is a reflection of His character: His holiness, power, and infinite beauty. When you look outside and see the colors of the leaves fading, be reminded that God’s glory never fades.

I teach a middle school and high school photography class and am always encouraging the students to look for interesting highlights and rules of composition. One of those assignments was to take fifty different photos of all the same color. This project really opens up the students' vision for creativity in how they can capture that many different photos that are all one color. At first, the class was complaining and said they’d never be able to take that many photos. However, when the due date for the assignment came up, the students couldn’t wait to show off all of their blues, yellows, reds, oranges, greens, and purples they had found. After talking with them and getting some feedback, the students learned to see that one color everywhere they went. If their color was RED for example, they saw every stop sign, every cherry, every firetruck, every apple, and every leaf as a way to capture those highlights. When we are “assigned” to see God’s glory in our daily lives around us, it will become easier to capture all of those highlights! You may have to look in places that aren’t obvious or weren’t evident right away. It may take some time to capture all fifty photos, but at the end, the students had a beautiful and vibrant collage of photographs.

In moments of hardship or uncertainty, it can be easy to lose sight of God’s glory. We may be tempted to focus on our struggles rather than the Creator who holds all things together. Natural disasters, national tensions, and political divisions overwhelm us. But Psalm 19 reminds us that God’s glory is ever-p[resent, ever-speaking, if we are willing to listen. His creation pours forth a continual reminder that we serve a God of infinite greatness. 

As believers, we are called to reflect God’s glory in our own lives. Just as the heavens declare His majesty, we are to proclaim His greatness through our words, actions, and love for others. 2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us that as we behold God’s glory, we are transformed into His likeness, going from “glory to glory”. This transformation is a process, and every step we take toward Christ brings more of His glory into the world around us. Let us take a moment to consider the beauty of God’s creation and the wonder of His majesty. Let us worship Him for His unfading glory and seek to reflect His light in all that we do. I challenge you to grab a camera and make a folder for your “assignment” to take pictures of the things that you think bring God glory. From a hand lifted in prayer to a soccer team showing good sportsmanship, there are so many ways that God’s glory can be shown– We just have to look for them!

Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of Your glory. From the heavens to the earth, we see Your hand at work. Help us to reflect Your light in this world. To reflect your glory in our lives. And that we may become beacons of hope. In moments of trial, remind us of Your majesty and Your power. Transform us daily into Your likeness as we behold Your glory. 

In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


Happy New Year!


A Powerful God