Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! The new year has arrived whether you were ready for it or not. I personally love the feeling of a “fresh new start” but at the same time, a weird pressure whispers to take advantage of starting over. THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT. Why does this year need to be different? I  did so much in 2024! I learned how to make sourdough bread, I crocheted a vest, I hiked in Glacier National Park, I saw a solar eclipse, I took a road trip to North Carolina, and I made more podcast episodes. (Shoutout to Between the Pages). I also went through some hard things this year, grieved with my family, fought and asked for forgiveness, and learned some tough lessons. I do not want a whole fresh start from scratch, I want to be better, not different. I want to be better at reading my Bible. Taking more steps throughout the week and stretching my muscles is something I want to improve. I want to host more of my friends over and keep in touch with the ones who live further away. Consistency sounds so easy, but burnout can sneak up and squash the hard work and dreams written in that cute new 2025 planner. So HOW do you make this next year not necessarily different but better? 

Well, we will use some of my own personal goals as an example. I want to be better about reading my Bible. Okay, so what does that mean? So I start with actual steps to reach that goal. I am currently reading a chapter a day starting in Genesis. After I am done reading a chapter, I pick one verse to focus on. I follow a “S.O.A.P” approach: Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. This format keeps it simple, easy, and as in depth as I need it to be. 

Another goal is that I want to take more steps and stretch throughout the week. I tried the seemingly viral 10,000 steps-a-day routine, but I felt bored, constantly thinking about the numbers, and if I had enough before I went to bed. Instead, I switched to a time to hit instead of a step count. That way, I can set a timer, pick a playlist, YouTube video, or a podcast episode that meets my time needs. If I want to jog, run, or walk, it does not matter about the steps, but just the time. Before I shower everyday, I have been stretching out my muscles in my back, arms, and legs. I have looked up some basic stretches and stick to the main ones so I can be consistent and see results in my flexibility. 

I want to host more of my friends throughout the year. Where I currently live is not a huge space, but learning to make the most of the space is something I want to get better at too. For my birthday, I am having some girls come over and play video games and enjoy some food. Keep it simple, and invite who you want! As adults, it can be so hard to coordinate schedules and plan around busy work times, so having a few events throughout the year will be easier to spread out the hospitality. 

I mentioned that burnout can sneak up and squash those ideas, dreams, plans, and motivation. Writing things down and keeping a record in my calendar helps me with taking the mental load of decision making out of the equation. I am sure we can all relate to the dreaded, “what should I make for dinner” question. BUT when you set out meat to thaw the night before or pin a recipe with ingredients you already have, taking the actual decision making away can help that burnout exhaustion. 

How do you feel about the New Year? What steps do you find helpful in your own daily routines to keep consistent? We’d love to hear about the ways God is growing your faith. Cheers to 2025 and taking the lessons and memories from this past year with us in order to make this next year better.


Lessons from Noah


Unfading Glory