Bold Peacekeepers

Jenni Erickson is our newest addition to the Boldly Seeking Team and we are so excited for her first blog to be up! It has been a dream of ours to grow our team of individuals who are just as excited to encourage others to walk in Bold faith, but also to challenge themselves as well!

Read below, comment, and join the conversation! Let’s welcome Jenni to the team! XO, the Boldly Seeking Team

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9.

This verse from the beatitudes has really stuck out to me lately. How can I be bold, but also a peacemaker?

Is there a balance between the two? These are questions I asked myself while unpacking the message of the verse and the name of the ministry: “Boldly Seeking.”  First, I started to research what makes someone a “peacemaker.”  According to, a peacemaker is someone who helps others solve a conflict and reach a peaceful solution.

Second, I looked up what it means to be bold. Someone who is bold shows an ability to take risks, is confident and courageous. Then, I thought about what the two would look like together: a bold peacekeeper. The first character in the Bible I thought of as a bold peacekeeper was Esther. If you haven’t read the book of Esther, I encourage you to dive into this short book of the Bible. I thought of Esther because she acted boldly when she approached the king without being invited (which was a huge risk because she could have been killed). This courageous act eventually granted freedom to the rest of her people who were being persecuted (Esther 5-7).


God worked in Esther’s life in bold ways, but she went about it in a peaceful way. Esther also did not rely on her own courage, but instead trusted that God would give her the confidence to stand up for what she believed in. In a time in our history where peace seems far off, I encourage you to look to God for that courage and boldness. Make a daily habit of choosing actions that bring peace. 

James 3:18 “And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace.” Be a bold peacekeeper.

Here are some questions to guide your journaling, prayer, or discussion.

1. Do you need to make peace with someone? 

2. What is holding you back from being bold? 

3. Who is someone you think of as a “bold peacekeeper?” 

- Jenni


How Long: Habakkuk Chapter 1


In The Midst of a Storm