In The Midst of a Storm

This is a poem/spoken words that God placed on my heart to share with you all. As you read, you will be placed in my perspective, comforting a loved one through a difficult situation. If you or a loved one are going through one right now, I hope this gives you peace and reassurance.

“When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.”

(‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

We all feared

For what was drawing near

As the outcome 

Was still unclear 

I know you have fears

But you must forbear

And not believe 

All that you may hear

For the devil likes to whisper

Deceitful lies

He’ll take away

All your cheer

Replacing it 

with broken tears

He’ll lie that no one cares

Quickly, he’ll fill your heart with fear

Unaware, you’ll start to tear

So cover your ears

And set your eyes here


A family


And prepared

For a fight

To make things right

To bring you light

And not despair

We’ve just arrived…



That sinister

That monster

He won’t dare come near

Especially with us all here

Then there were silence

not one single sound

And in came, the clown

A man, no... a foul boy

The one who destroyed

A beautiful joy 

An innocent soul…

She thought 

There was no hope

It’s hard to tame

All that anger filling our veins

I won’t lie...

I wanted to cry

As I tried to hide 

This pain that overcame

When I saw your shattered eyes

Behind that disguise

A broken smile appeared

But I know you too well, my dear

I know you’re scared

I’m sorry...

what he did was so unfair

If I could, you know I would...

Punch his face

That mistake

What a disgrace

To our human race!

I didn’t share the fact that 

A part of me was a little scared...

This fear that the jury wouldn’t believe

Reprieving that monster 

From what he really needs

As he continued pacing back and forth

All he did was deny and deceive

His lawyer too, spread his lies

Saying enough, just to get by.

So under my breath, I said a little prayer

Over and over again

In hopes, God would hear

My friends and family too, joined in prayer

Then a woman appeared 

And right then and there

I felt God whisper

She’s here to steer


As He restores

All that was taken and more

Reminding us to

Let go of these fears,

Wipe away those tears

The fight is here!

This sense of peace overcame me

And I just believed, God appeared

Using this woman, as He said

“She’s here to steer”

Our lawyer

We barely know, spoke

When she told your story

We all were filled with hope

As God continued to reveal

The deceit 

One by one

We all left that court

Feeling relieved

A couple days passed

The verdict is here... 

There in the courtroom

We all got to hear

Watching him be convicted

Of all his crimes for all those years

This will haunt him for a lifetime

As he broke down into tears…

I think it’s now very clear

That if he ever tries to come near

Any child anywhere

God will make sure he lives in FEAR! 

“But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to have a large millstone tied around your neck and be drowned in the depths of the sea.”

(‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

“For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.”

(‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

What I want you to take away from this is, while in the midst of a storm, no matter what lies the devil whispers and tempts you with, RESET your eyes back to GOD. When doing so, you need to have FAITH and  BELIEVE that God is there and don’t be afraid to ASK FOR PRAYERS! The power of prayer is so real, even if it’s a little prayer under your breath, God will hear and deliver. Trust me!

Dear Heavenly Father, 

I pray whoever is reading this, in the midst of a storm… that You Father God will reach them in prayer and give them peace. I pray that You cast away fear, anxiety, and depression. As well as any lies that the devil is whispering to them. Help them to reset their eyes back to You, Lord God! In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.


Bold Peacekeepers


Truth, Faith, Prayer