Christ, Be Our Light

We are currently living through a blessed and sacred time. Right now, we are in the season of Lent. Not everyone practices Lent so, for those of you who don’t, let me give you a little background. 

Lent is a season of preparation leading up to Resurrection Sunday. It lasts forty days and is typically a time that those who observe it give something up for the entire Lenten season. The goal is to make a lasting change and move forward in holiness. 

These last few years, I have opted to not just give something up, but to begin a new positive practice. This year, my sisters-in-law, mother-in-law, and I are doing a Lenten devotional every day. My sacrifices are personal, so those will stay between me and the Lord. 

Why am I talking about this now? We’re in week three of Lent and every week our devotional asks “what are you being purified of?” I have never thought of this season as being purifying and renewing. I have never thought of ‘being purified’ as a journey. But it is. 

How often do you acknowledge your chains? Your struggles? The things pulling you away from Christ? To be honest, I really don’t think about them at all. I find myself letting life happen to me and feeling distraught about it instead of pursuing the good and healing. Of course, I acknowledge my sins, the glaring ones that weigh my heart in guilt. But, I don’t think about anxiety. I don’t think about worry. I don’t think about shame. I don’t think about self-loathing. I don’t think about negative self-talk. I don’t think of the silent attacks pulling me from God’s side and placing myself in the middle of a vast ocean. Like a ship amidst a storm, we need a safe harbor to calm the chaos. We need a lighthouse. We need The Light. 

Before I sat down to write this, the hymn “Christ, Be Our Light” played in my head. If you’re unfamiliar, the lyrics of the chorus are “Christ, be our light. Shine in our hearts, shine through the darkness. Christ, be our light. Shine in Your Church gathered today.” He is the ultimate beacon. He wants to purify us of the things that wound our souls. Anxiety, self-hatred, guilt, and shame are not just one-time things. They cause wounds that reopen and worsen with time. 

Have you ever heard the phrase “the more you’re exposed to something, the more normal it is”? That phrase is true of actions and words, whether we’re saying them or doing them ourselves or vice versa. The more you give in to self-deprecation, the less worthy you feel. The more you think ahead about hypothetical worries, the harder it is to find peace. Though these wounds become deeper and worse, they aren’t beyond healing. You are not beyond healing. 

God wants nothing more than to be our Light. He wants to purify us in this season. He wants us to come to the altar and give Him our all. He wants to move our hearts to peace. 


So, whether you practice Lent or not, take a moment to do this exercise with me. Grab a pen or pencil and something to write in. I like to put on relaxing worship music, sit alone in my room, and write in my Devo journal. 

Take a moment to take stock of your body. What are you feeling today?

Where is God moving today? Has He seemed present?

Let your mind be silent and be receptive to what He has to say. 

What is He pressing on your heart? 

What does He want to purify you of?

What chains have a hold on your heart?

Give yourself time to work through these questions. Don’t rush. Allow yourself to take time with Christ and really enjoy His presence. He wants to spend time with you. 

When you’re ready, close in prayer. 

Father God, thank You for Your faithfulness.

My heart longs for You and all You have to give. 

Help me to break the chains of worldly sinfulness:

The unconscious things that pull me from You. 

God, purify my heart.

Give me eyes like Yours, patience and trust like You, 

and strength to fight the silent battles that 

seek to deepen my wounds. 

Lord, lift this weight of shame, of pain, 

of fear off of my shoulders. I give them to 

You in the hope of growing into the person 

You want me to be and to follow

Your will for my heart. 

Be our Light, Christ. Lead me to safe waters 

and help me to grow closer to You. 

I love You, Lord, and I know You will never forsake me. 

I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Brothers and sisters, He has you. He wants to purify you. Take intentional time this week to dig deep into what separates you from Him and offer it up to Him. Let Him be your safe harbor, your shelter, your light. 


Jehovah Rapha: The Lord My Healer
