Jehovah Rapha: The Lord My Healer

Hope Mackenzi is a college student with a heart devoted to Jesus. Her social media is a light for His purpose and she shares the Joy of the Lord while uplifting those around her! We are so excited to welcome Hope to our Guest Writer line-up and are so excited for you to read her blog.

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Mental Healing and Bold Vulnerability Before the Lord

Anxiety is real, and that is no secret. An online study said that almost 70% of college-aged females discussed feeling overwhelmed with anxious thoughts. I know I am not alone when I say that I was under the false assumption that because I knew Jesus set me free, my mind would automatically align with that truth. This only led me to then bury any stress I had in order to fit the mold of what I thought a redeemed Christian ought to look like. While anxiety is the main issue, it does not come without trying to bring along unworthiness and hopelessness through convincing you that you’re immune to mental struggles and leaving you disappointed when they come.

Then, what does it look like for God to be Jehovah Rapha over our minds? What does it look like to submit our minds to Him to be renewed? (Romans 12:2) I’m learning how to be in process and recognize that our Father loves to walk with us through the process. He died for us while we were still sinners, so I know that He loves us in the mess and process (Romans 5:8).  To say that we could somehow “arrive” at a healed, perfected self would be neglecting our need to be dependent on God.

"He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds, you have been healed (1 Peter 2:24). 


Jehovah Rapha is the name for “the Lord my Healer.” This carries so much weight. This means that it is His nature to heal, restore, and redeem everything for His glory. Sozo is the Greek word for salvation, but it is also the same word used when Jesus healed people. This means that when He died on the cross, He died for the healing of our whole selves, including our minds. If what Jesus did on the cross is enough to save us from eternal darkness, it is certainly enough to heal us from anxiety. 


Practically, this looks like getting in the Word. For example, I had to write out Psalm 91 and read it over myself every day for weeks. This also looks like intentional alone time with the Lord. Casting your cares upon Him and acknowledging that anxiety is present, but not in control, within you (Psalm 94:19). Vulnerability always precedes redemption, for the Lord desires to remove the impurities and infirmities from you so that He may then fill you with Himself. And, because He is the Prince of Peace, He brings peace. 


Let’s revisit the name Jehovah Rapha for a second. He not only is healer, but He is healing. Often, we must know Him as the healing we need before we expect immediate results. This means that the only true cure to anxiety is Him. Time spent with Him. Time getting to know Him. Because the Lord is healer, getting to know Him is getting to know healing and redemption. If we approach the Lord begging healing from Him rather than realizing that He Himself is the healing we need, we miss the point. I want Jesus, not what He can do for me. However, I know that when I get to know Jesus, healing comes with Him because that is just who He is. 

This is an encouragement meant for anyone who needs mental, physical, or emotional healing right now. The Lord is healer, and we have that promise to hold on to. However, you must be willing to open up in bold vulnerability, trusting that the more of yourself you surrender to the Lord, the more of Himself He will give to you.


Disconnect to Reconnect


Christ, Be Our Light