Fight Like David

Emma Stender is a Minnesota Photographer, Live Original Sister Ambassador (shout out to our fellow sisters!!), and has an incredible heart for the Lord. Her passion for people shines through her friendly smile and her love for the Lord is so present in her life. We are so blessed, lucky, and excited to welcome Emma to our Boldly Seeking Community, and gain another friend!

Read below, comment, and join the conversation! XO, the Boldly Seeking Team

In Samuel 17 Saul says to David, “You are not able to go fight because you are young.” In David's final moments before he defeated the giant Goliath he was torn down by words from those around him. As he prepared to go into war with a giant, he first had to fight through the lies that attacked his persona. We have most likely heard this in one way or another, when we become bold to go into a situation, then we get attacked for who we are. Today I want to walk through 1 Samuel together and see how David was sent through a trial before his battle. He was being prepared long before he stepped into the fight against a giant, God was building him for such a time as then. 

Samuel 17, the Philistines and the Men of Israel were going to battle. The Philistines had a man named Goliath on their side, this was how they described him; “Champion, he wore a helmet of bronze, coat of mail, and bronze from head to toe”. Scary if you ask me, and I’m sure if you asked the Men of Israel they would say the same thing since it says in Verse 11 they were “dismayed and greatly afraid.” The battle had not even started yet, and they were afraid, they just heard about Goliath, and that brought fear. This means they were going to attack this battle with fear at the forefront of their minds.  

David was the youngest out of his brothers, and while his brothers were fighting this battle, David was caring for Saul and his father’s sheep. In the night David's father Jesse told him to bring his brothers food and money. David did as he was commanded and when we came to the battlefield he brought the gifts and noticed his brothers were not there, he went to look for them. When he found his brothers they questioned his presence and told him to leave. He wasn't wanted or accepted there. David heard about Goliath and was curious about what would happen if he was defeated. They instantly mocked him and called him names, they said he was too young and they brought up his looks, they called him handsome (which isn't a compliment in this context) they called him a servant, not a warrior. This amplified David to fight against Goliath, when Saul doubted David, he brought up his fight with shepherding and how that prepared him for this moment. 

He said this; But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35 I went after it, struck it, and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it, and killed it. 36 Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37 The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” 

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Saul instantly suited him up for battle, as he gave him powerful tools like swords, shields, and bronze. David turned it down because he has never fought with weapons. That's when he took up stones and a sling, then ran towards his giant, with confidence. 

I love what happened next. 

As his confidence was firm in the Lord, the words attacked him once again. Verse 43  “He (Goliath) said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” he called down on him by describing him as a chew toy. I am not sure about you, but that would definitely hurt my confidence. David stayed strong in the Lord; he drew back his sling and fired at the giant and struck him down, with a rock and a sling. This wasn't a fire rock or a boulder, but a rock small enough to fit in a handheld slingshot. David’s original mission was to bring the soldiers food and money, to keep them prepared for battle.

David's obedience in his present placement prepared him to fight the battle he didn't even see. David went into this unknown battle with the confidence of his victory before it even started because of his security in the Lord. 

David ran INTO the battle, not away like the others, who “plundered in their camp” he ran towards the giant with a rock. Not just a rock, but he declared this, 

“Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied” 

What is your “Goliath”? 

Today you are David, you see the battle, you see the giant, but what is your battle filled with?






David ran INTO the battle, not away like the others, who “plundered in their camp” he ran towards the giant with a rock.

It is easy to feel like David here...young, weak, tiny, maybe unequipped? Running into every day looking at the war before us, dressed up with swords, spears, and shields. Maybe the swords attacking you are certain accounts on Instagram, following Twitter accounts that bring out sin, or just absorbing comparison on social media, whatever it is you are hiding from we can learn from David here on how to fight that. 

David didn't fight hate with hate (sword with sword), he fought with the Lord of Host at his back. Today I encourage you to fight like David, pick up your stone (Word of God), and charge with confidence at whatever your “Goliath” is dressed up as and combat those lies with the truth and strength of God. 

I am so excited you are here and I am so excited we got to walk through this story together. If you ever need a friend I am always looking for more, and I think we would be great friends! Head over to my socials @emma.stender and come say “Hey” I would love to connect with YOU! 

Go on fighting today friend <3


How Long: Habbakuk Chapter 2


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