Lenten Sacrifice

We are two days away from the beginning of Lent. This is the time, in the Christian faith, that we enter into preparation to observe the death and resurrection of Christ. For Catholics, we mark this time by wearing ashes on our head (only on Ash Wednesday), fasting and abstaining from red meat on Fridays, and choosing something to give up for the next 40 days. As a kid, it was always something silly like sweets or extra TV. As an adult, I feel more of a sense of responsibility to choose something good, especially since I’ve started listening through the Bible. 

In the old testament, sacrifice is specified in detail. Different sacrifices meant different things and each needed its own unique planning. We sacrificed for God, He gave His Son for us, saints sacrificed and witnessed miracles. Sacrifice is not a thing of the past. It’s a form of worship we CAN still observe. Whether the sacrifice is spiritual or a physical thing, it can be pleasing to the Lord and bring about blessings, though I don’t recommend trying to give sacrifices like the ones you find in Leviticus. 

Whether or not you’re Catholic, I encourage you to search your heart and make a sacrifice for these next forty days. Personally, I’m sacrificing social media (with the exception of my Boldly seeking duties) to make room for worship and devote time to being present with friends and family. Jake is giving up his favorite gaming app and fast food (which I will also do in solidarity). Whatever you choose, it should change the way your day goes…and it should be, ever so slightly, inconvenient. What you give up, should be in the service of your faith. 

So, if you’re ready for the challenge, I encourage you to pray this prayer and let God speak to you. Lent is an incredibly transformative season. Let the Lord work on your heart and transform you into more of who He wants you to be. 

A Prayer for Giving

Father God, I praise You and thank 

You for all Your good works. 

I pray in thanksgiving for all that You’ve done for me

 and all that You have planned for my life. 

Lord, I come here now, Your humble servant. 

Ready to do what You ask of me

 and give how You charge me to give. 

However You use me, please grant me 

the strength to take up the task. 

When I want to quit, help me to have hope. 

In the darkest hours of trial, 

help me to see and share Your light. 

Give me Your eyes to see the blessings

 that come out of the trials. 

Whatever You call me to, Lord,

 help me to do it in joy. 

I pray all this in Your Holy Name, Amen. 

Whether or not you choose to take up the challenge this year, I do hope you pray on it! Sacrifice can be difficult but also so incredibly rewarding. If you choose to make a sacrifice this season, assemble an accountability crew to support you on your journey. God will bring you close to Him, friend. Know that you are in my prayers and that no matter what, He is going to help you grow this season.


Coffee With Jesus


Dear Future Husband