Dear Future Husband

Dear Future Husband, 

There are moments I wish you were here now. Experiences I wish we could share together. Sometimes all I want to do is call you and tell you how my day went. Even though you are not here, I know you are somewhere in this big, beautiful world. Although I wish we were dancing in the kitchen, making dinner, taking a quick pit stop through Starbucks on our way to church, and creating beautiful memories together, I am still waiting and preparing to meet you. There are things I still struggle with… Identity, anxiety, and doubt. I’ll need you to be straight with me, constant reassurance of your love with your words, and most importantly your actions.I am still working on loving myself, seeing myself the way God sees me. I will not quit on myself and I will not quit on you. I promise to love you and put God first in our relationship. I promise to support you, champion you, and walk through life with you… 

A couple of years ago I started to write “Dear Future Husband” letters. These letters reflect my own journey of finding love within myself and Jesus, promises and stories I want to one day share with my future husband, and prayers I have for my future husband. Sometimes I find Valentine’s Day hard. You scroll through Instagram, Facebook, and see the long scrolls of couples, engagements, roses, chocolates, and as you continue to scroll you begin to hit the “what about me” thoughts. Why can’t I have what they have? Why can’t I be in that stage of life? What is wrong with me? Why can’t anyone love me like that? 

Now, I don’t know where your heart is today, but let me tell you something. Each of us, as believers, is welcomed into a far greater love than any earthly love, or Valentine’s Day Social Media post. 

His name is Jesus. 

The minute he took on the sins of the world on the cross, spoke the words “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” and “It Is Finished”, was the same moment that Jesus filled every gap and hole in our hearts. He answered the what-ifs, and he continually answers your question “What about me” with “It’s always been, and is you”. 

There is so much joy in each day of saying, “Jesus thank you for loving me, and preparing me to share this love you have shown me with my future spouse.” And yes, Valentine’s Day may be a bit hard, you may have been hurt or broken, but take today to open up your heart to the only fulfilling relationship we can have in our life, Jesus. 

I have found a day like today to be a reminder of the growth I have had in understanding myself, growing in my self-confidence, understanding the full and complete joy in living a life for Jesus, running towards dreams God has put on my heart, and one day I will share that with my future husband, and I can’t wait for him to read these letters and moments of growth.

Your heart, like you, isn’t made for perfection and makes mistakes too.

But it never stops beating nor gives up on you. It is the same thing with Jesus, He will never give up on loving you. Give your heart to him, the one who already loves you more than you could ever imagine that he would die a painful death just for YOU.


Dear Future Husband, 

Happy Valentine’s Day! How I wish we could spend this day together. But I am taking this day as a reminder of the growth I have had in this past year in preparation to meet you…

For those of you who are in the waiting season, take some time to reflect on how God has been growing and stretching you to one day meet your future spouse. 

Those of you who are married, take time to reflect on how God has been moving in and through your marriage.


Lenten Sacrifice


Friendship Foundation