Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Megh, Alicia, and I are writing this last blog of 2020 together! Wow, that is so crazy to even say. It has been 7 months since we launched Boldly Seeking and we know we have said it before, but we will continue to say it! We are SO grateful for you all, walking alongside us and continuing to be involved in our community, and dream of seeing a revival happen among our next generation. You have been joined by friends in 12 countries around the world, been with us for two 3 week studies, and have been able to meet over 9 guest writers!

With so much coming in 2021 we cannot keep our cool with all of the exciting stuff, but we are entering into an exciting holiday, the birth of Jesus. The moment when the world changed from B.C to A.D. There was a song by For King and Country I was listening to and they spoke this beautiful monologue. 

“It’s remarkable to think that a baby born in a stable, No prestige, no privilege, no social media or social status, political campaigns or private airplanes. And yet, He turned BC into AD.

He flipped the world on its head. He’s the most famous name around the globe. Inspired the most read book ever written. He connected it to Heaven and, in turn, brought Heaven down to Earth. And now, He offers us redemption, a fresh start, freedom. 

So that we can hold our heads high and march through this life knowing that we are never alone. That every woman and man, boy and girl, to all of us who feel we have nothing left, nothing to bring. To know that God is smiling at us, that He’s loving us, that we are enough. 

So light up that Christmas tree, stand under the mistletoe, surround yourself with the ones you love most, and, together, let’s celebrate the greatest news this world has ever known.” 


As a tiny baby, God came down in human form to give us a new start. To give us freedom. This baby that was born in the manager was the incarnate word of God. The remarkable thought is a baby held all the kingdom and power on his shoulders. Could you imagine that as a baby? Holding all the power and weight of the world on your shoulders?

His name banishes evil, His power and mercy overwhelm. From the very beginning, He had the power to redeem us and He did. When most of us would run, He put everything on the line to save OUR souls. He has loved us from the beginning and will love us for all time. No matter what, we are His. 

This beautiful season is a reminder of the power behind God coming to earth. Just like the Magi and Shepherds, we have an invitation this season to enter the remarkable moment of celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world. You can come just as you are, you don’t have to be anyone special, God just calls us to come as we are. 

So come this season! Come to the manager! 

I cannot wait for 2021 and I hope you are too! 


This year, we embraced the unknown, we grappled with the good and the bad. Through it all, He has been faithful and given us strength to take with us into 2021. We have so much coming up in this next year! Stay open, arm yourself in the armor of God, and walk boldly toward hope. 

We’ll be here to support you as you step forward in faith. 

Merry Christmas! What a gift you are! You truly have been such a blessing to us here at Boldly Seeking. Thank you for being a part of our family and helping us grow this past year. I am so excited for what’s to come this upcoming new year, 2021! I hope this new year for you is filled with opportunities, excitement, love, and many blessings.

As you celebrate this Christmas, I pray you not only celebrate your gifts, but the birthday of our loving, Jesus Christ! Before we were even born, Jesus already knew of us. He chose to sacrifice Himself for you, because you are LOVED! Take time today to say happy birthday to our Savior and be intentional with spending time with Him on this special day. God loves you! We love you!

Merry Christmas Friends!

XO, The BOldly Seeking Team (1).png

Out With The Old, In With The New?


The Meaning In Eternity