Our Father’s Love

“God did not give up on you when you didn’t know Him, and He will certainly not give up on you now that you are His.”-  Roy Lessin

Do you feel distant from God? Perhaps you did something you shouldn’t have and now you’re afraid of facing Him; or maybe you are lost in all that is happening around you, leaning onto your own strengths instead of His. During this unusual time of space between you and God, you may be fearful that God won’t take you back since you’ve already neglected your relationship with Him, so now you feel as though He’s neglected you.


If you are going through this time of distances with God and want to rekindle that relationship, I hope that after reading this that you’ll find the courage to face our loving Father. God, I pray to whoever has distanced themselves from You. Whether it’s because of what’s happening in the world right now, or perhaps they feel some sort of guilt or fear and that’s caused them to pull away from you. I pray that You would reveal to them who they are in Christ. I pray that You would draw closer to You Lord! Fill hearts with Your overwhelming love and remind them just how forgiving You are. I pray that You give them courage to boldly seek You when they are lost. In Jesus name, Amen.


There were many times when I was faced with a very difficult obstacle and immediately my mind and body would just shut down and go into ‘hermit mode.’ I would get lost in my own thoughts and become distant from everyone. This caused me to pull away from God as well. The longer I went without God, the harder it was to run to Him. I felt guilt in my heart and felt undeserving to even have a relationship with Him. Then God reminded me of a story in the Bible “The Parable of the Lost Son.” The son squandered his inheritance and left his family behind to follow his own selfish desires. He ended up losing everything with nowhere to go and decided to set his pride aside to return home, I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.” (Luke 15:18-19) If you have not read this story yet, then this next verse will surprise you. “So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.” (Luke 15:20) 

Instead of rejecting his son, the father ran to his son and embraced him. That’s how deep a father’s love is and it's the same with our relationship with the Lord. If we would just set aside our fears, guilt, pride, and just boldly seek our Heavenly Father, He will be there with open arms, ready to take us back. Even when we get lost in our selfish ways or lose ourselves to fear, we need to know in our hearts that God will never neglect us, even if we’ve neglected him. 

  • Are you willing to set aside your pride for God?

  • Do you understand how deep our Father’s love is?


Finding God in the Cereal Aisle


Finding Yourself, Finding God