Overwhelming Joy

Have you ever felt extremely happy about something? Think of when you were a child waking up Christmas morning running out to the living room, seeing all the Christmas lights still on from the night, presents under the tree, and a family ready to celebrate the incredible birth of Jesus. What were some of your emotions? 

I remember as a kid I was so excited that I couldn’t sit, but I have to tell you a secret I would wake up and start tearing up when I ran out to the living room to meet up with the rest of my family. Still, to this day, I will be so overcome by emotions while watching even a TV show that I will be fighting back tears. So why am I telling you this? 

Well during these past few months we have all probably experienced different bouts of emotion. There were days I have felt annoyed, upset, longing for all of this to be over so I can simply walk into a coffee shop and work at a table all day long. There have even been days I have felt scared because who knows, this could last forever, but even certain things in the news don’t sit well oftentimes. But the majority of the past few months, have been an overwhelming joy of seeing God in the midst of all the chaos in the world. 

A few weeks ago I was talking with a friend about things that have happened in the last months that allowed for me to see God so intimately in the mundane things of each day. All of a sudden the words “overwhelmed by joy” left my mouth and I was taken back. Overwhelmed by Joy? What does that even mean? Those two words generally would never be put together in the same sentence let alone in the same phrase.

Being overwhelmed by joy is the best feeling even when you can’t explain what you are so joyful about. When we put our faith in God and begin to intentionally seek him in each and every day, He WILL show up. He is among us every day and in everything that we do. God is among creation and wants us to see him in the mundane things of life. Once we begin to see God intimately we become so overwhelmed by joy because we see God as the constant guide and protector of our lives. These past few months, God has answered some incredible prayers with work, I have seen him among some really powerful conversations with some of the youth group girls, and even with Boldly Seeking, God has showed up so much! When I sit down and think about every big and small point of joy and I begin to feel overwhelmed by the shower of love God has placed over my life. 

Even though we do not see God we still love him and believe in him. When you place your faith and trust in God the inexpressible joy becomes a result of your faith. Why? Because you see God in every point of your life. God wants to overwhelm you with his joy and love because his love for us is indescribable. 

1 Peter 1:8-9 “Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your soul.” 

Seeing Jesus wholeheartedly, you will find Him in every situation, and you will feel an overwhelming joy by his presence. 

Think back to that Christmas morning, could that feeling be an overwhelming amount of joy? I have been thinking lately about how boring life would be if joy wasn’t an emotion. That the joy we feel with family, during the holiday season, and exciting opportunities, or seeing God in a small portion of your day. Life would be so black and white without any color or sparkle. The power of joy is never-ending. Even though the fruits of the spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 are all important, joy allows us to experience the other fruits in the way that Jesus did. Joy in all situations helps us to live out our lives with much more fruit. Paul writes in Philippians about the overflowing joy and how we can obtain never-ending joy in our own lives. 

In prison, Paul’s joy was unwavering because the relationship he had with God was all that he needed to be and stay content in life. 

Philippians 4:11 “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances” 

Whatever the circumstances, Paul was content with the joy the Lord gave him in being in a relationship with Him. This never-ending joy you can access too! 

Romans 12:12 “Be JOYFUL in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” 

John 15:11 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” 

Psalms 33:21 “In him, our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name.”

I want to leave you with this, as you head into the next week. Seek God in every moment of every day and be aware of Him in all areas of your life. He will show up and will fill you with joy. Being overwhelmed by joy is one of the strongest emotions I have ever felt in my life. There were no words to explain that feeling until I was able to comprehend that God can pour out so much love, joy, and peace into our lives that it can be overwhelming at times, but a good overwhelming feeling. I challenge you to keep your eyes open to the God of the universe making himself known in the smallest and biggest parts of your day. And I will be praying for you that the “God of hope fill you with all the joy and peace as you trust in him.” Romans 15:13


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