Would you lead in faith?

Elizabeth is a 17 year old senior in high school. She is a native Duluthian (Minnesota) and grew up in the same church as two of our lovely writers, Jenni and Rebecca. In her free time, she does a lot of babysitting and also swims for her high school. At church, she is very involved with the Wednesday night youth program and worship as well as the Sunday morning worship and tech team. To be honest, she’s never done something like this, but she’s excited at the opportunity, and for you all to read her blog!!

This summer I was nominated to go on a Christian Leadership canoe trip that is put on by my church's conference. This meant that I would be on an eight day trip with strangers from all over Minnesota. As I was preparing for this trip, thinking about all the unknowns, I was praying that God would use this week as a transformative, WOW God week that would go beyond the “camp high.”

On this trip, part of the week would be spent preparing and learning about leadership. The other part would be an actual canoe trip, where we would put our leadership skills into action. One aspect of our leadership training was preparing a devotion to share. We had been talking about different leaders and leadership styles and people who hold these qualities. One passage that had jumped out at me was Daniel 3, which is the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego.

To sum up the story, King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue that he wanted everyone to bow down to. If anyone did not bow down to this idol, they would be thrown into a burning furnace. There were these three guys (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego) who refused to bow down because it went against God and their faith in God. King Nebuchadnezzar then called them to himself and mocked them for their faith saying, “What god will save you?”

Daniel 3:15. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego stood strong, knowing that it might lead them to their death. The king, in anger, ordered that the fire become seven times hotter. He had the men tied up and had them thrown into the fiery furnace. After the three men were thrown into the furnace, the king noticed that four men were now inside the furnace, all untied. The king then called the men out saying, “Servants of the Most High God, come out.” Daniel 3:26. King Nebuchadnezzar then praised God for what he had just witnessed and changed his decree from worshipping a statue, to worshipping God. WOW God!!

This is such a powerful story that shows the strength that comes from faith. I know for me, being in that moment, it would be SO difficult to say, “I'm willing to lay down my life for Jesus.”

As I’ve been thinking about this more, a line from a song we played at church this Sunday hit me. “There’s a reason why our hearts can be courageous.” This means, through Jesus, that hard things are possible. This story is such a good reminder that Jesus is with us through everything. Every mountain top moment, and every valley that seems never ending.

This devotion put into perspective for me the connections I learned on this

canoe trip, between the Bible and leadership. These three men showed great courage by going against the “norm” that everyone else was doing and staying true to what they knew was right. In today's world, for me as a high schooler especially, to stand firm when it seems everyone else is going the opposite direction, is hard. But, I can stay strong through God’s strength. (Philippians 4:13) Through my experiences on this trip, I know that I am stronger than before, both physically and spiritually. I am more equipped now for challenges that I may face in life and faith.


Having Faith in Your Feels


A Prayer To Us and For Us