Episode 04

Everyone is good at something! Whether you are an athlete, worship leader, artist, writer, good with building things, you are good at your job, or maybe your are even good at just being a listener. There HAS to be at least one thing! Rebecca is joined by the team's social media coordinator, Elizabeth to talk about how sometimes we can fall into the light that is shining on us when we are good at something. The question at hand is how we can be aware of when we are using these gifts for our own agenda rather than God's.

We are challenging you this week to think about a time maybe you fell into popularity, fame, money, or even the desire for those things because you were good at it. However, you were given this talent to share the love and joy of Jesus, not to boost your own image!

The conversation doesn't stop here! Make sure to check us out on our social media platforms to continue the conversation with us and our community!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boldlyseeking/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boldlyseeking

Website: https://boldlyseeking.online

Watch this podcast online: https://youtu.be/7gKrUD2XXwI


Episode 05


Episode 01