Episode 05

Merry Christmas and welcome to the advent season! We are so excited for today, because today starts our community advent reading calendar!!! We are taking "A Walk to Bethlehem" over the next 3 weeks, using a bible study that our team released last year.

Today's episode is a commentary and walk through on week 1. We talk about the beginning stages of diving deep into the emotional side of Christmas and key players in Jesus' birth.

But first here is your challenge!

Download the full study, "A Walk To Bethlehem" and advent calendar so you cab walk along with the rest of our community and listeners over the next 3 weeks!


The conversation doesn't stop here! Make sure to check us out on our social media platforms to continue the conversation with us and our community!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/boldlyseeking/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/boldlyseeking

Website: https://boldlyseeking.online

Watch this podcast online: https://youtu.be/7gKrUD2XXwI


Episode 06


Episode 04