Episode 12
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 12

As the conversation evolves we talk about a common phrase for Ali, AO1, Audience of One. How can we live our life for the only One who matters?

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Episode 10
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 10

Over the course of the next 40 days leading up to Easter, as a team and as a community, we are walking through the wilderness with Jesus. This is a sacred time to remind ourselves that Jesus is the only thing that satisfies our deepest desires and needs.

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Episode 09
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 09

We are walking through 6 points of takeaways and lessons learned through their experience with relationships, and how they are finding joy in their singleness this year. No matter how you may be feeling, or your relationship status, there is one relationship that stands firm through all of life, and that is with Jesus.

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Episode 08
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 08

The team is talking all things "back to school" in all of the drama, overwhelming decisions, but also how we can find those Christian accountability partners at school.

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Episode 07
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 07

The team is talking all things "back to school" in all of the drama, overwhelming decisions, but also how we can find those Christian accountability partners at school.

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Episode 06
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 06

Today's episode is a commentary and walk through on week 2. This week is packed full of breaking down prophesies, meeting new and important people in our story, and talking through the important symbolisms we see in the second half of the nativity story!

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Episode 05
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 05

Merry Christmas and welcome to the advent season! We are so excited for today, because today starts our community advent reading calendar!!! We are taking "A Walk to Bethlehem" over the next 3 weeks, using a bible study that our team released last year.

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Episode 04
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 04

Everyone is good at something! Whether you are an athlete, worship leader, artist, writer, good with building things, you are good at your job, or maybe your are even good at just being a listener. There HAS to be at least one thing! Rebecca is joined by the team's social media coordinator, Elizabeth to talk about how sometimes we can fall into the light that is shining on us when we are good at something. The question at hand is how we can be aware of when we are using these gifts for our own agenda rather than God's.

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Episode 01
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 01

And we are kicking off the podcast! Our first episode is straight truths as this week we are talking about the hardest word to say sometimes in life. At different moments we come to decisions we either have to say "yes" or "no" to, but which one is the hardest!

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Episode 02
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 02

How can we share the love of Jesus just through our actions? How can we take small acts throughout each day and choose faith rather than fear?

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Episode 03
Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team Season 1 Boldly Seeking Team

Episode 03

Sharing her own stories of her different life seasons you will walk away with practical challenges, steps, and ways to take a small step in remembering that we serve a God of seasons. Yet, no matter how fast or slow, there is always a purpose behind each.

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