A Letter From the Team

Hey there friends!

We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas spent with friends and family. Our team enjoyed a few days off from our usual content to take time in reflection of this past year. As I sat and thought about this past year I was so overwhelmed by the joy and love this community has brought to my life. 

From the 2 studies (“To The One”, and “A Walk To Bethlehem”) we launched this past year, celebrating our FIRST year anniversary, and continuing to grow our list of inspiring guest writers. To say that this year has been incredible is an understatement. There are so many things along the horizon as our team dreams up 2022. We are working on taking a big step in 2022 that will open the door to many opportunities and more adventures. 

Not only that, but we want to thank all of you for making 2021 such a great year. It is people like you, that take a chance on a ministry like us, that make these moments of reflection so sweet. It doesn’t matter the number of followers, or the like count on a picture, what matters is hearing the stories of how God continues to move and work through each of your lives. I can’t tell you how many times I sit in awe of the goodness of God with the stories people have shared with me. Y’all God is MOVING! 

It has been a joy for our team to read your messages and get to chat with you. Megh said it best to our team “I realize how great His works are and where He has moved.” 

As we head into a new year, here is our encouragement to you. As we talked in our team of how we’ve seen God’s love this past year, Jenni shared with the team this: “He has definitely reminded me that my worth is not determined by my service towards others. I have witnessed God’s reminder when I take breaks from the daily busyness and reassess my priorities in how I serve. His love determines my worth. So when I feel like I am not serving enough or my service hasn’t made the biggest impact, I remind myself of those things.” 

Friends, that is our encouragement to you this next year, even when you feel less than, know you are created for more than. We are all created and made to do more. You are loved and cherished by the creator of the universe. Put your worth and identity in that, because that, my friends, is eternal. 

So what’s next? 

Well friends, 2022 is a big step for us. We continue to look forward to seeing the steadfastness of God’s hand in your life, and letting you all share that with the rest of our community. We can't wait to see the hope and joy that comes from this community in the next year. We have a few tricks up our sleeve, a couple ideas we are dreaming up, but all in all, we want to thank you for an incredible year and let you know that we are READY to serve alongside you and with you this next year. 


The Boldly Seeking Team


You’re So Vain & Other Lies


Having Faith in Your Feels