Cheers to Year Two!

Here we are! We are at our 2nd anniversary of Boldly Seeking Ministries, and wow am I crying happy tears!

There is a lot of joy surrounding today, and a new sense of motivation for what is to come. Looking over the past year, I go back to a question I asked at our first anniversary last year…

“God, how can you even top this year?” 

And friends, He sure did! I look back over the past year with another 10 guest writers having joined the lineup  including TWO international writers! From meeting some of our guest writers in person, to releasing another 2 bible studies, and a growing community. There is so much awe in the beautiful plan God has for this ministry. 

Now, I can go on and on about how God has moved through this past year, but I want to take time to reflect and leave you with some encouragement. 

When I look back over the past 2 years, I am reminded of some of the highest of highs and lowest of lows that myself and even our team have walked through. There were  times where we felt we were on the plateau and lost at what direction to take this community. There have been times where we sat in the deep conversations of what to talk about, what to write on, and we’ve sat in moments of tears in prayer and in joy. 

Each moment of the past two years has all led back to May 9th, 2020 when a simple “yes” changed the trajectory of my life. However, today isn’t just about celebrating the past two years of ministry, but also the beauty in saying “yes” to a burning dream and desire that God placed on my heart that started in high school.

Did you know that I wanted to do something similar to Boldly Seeking back in high school? That was almost 6 years ago! 6 years ago I wanted a community like this to be a part of my life, I didn’t know how or what it would look like, but I tried so hard to chase after this deconstructed thought. 

Would you believe me if I told you it was a complete fail? Yes friend, it was a failed attempt, but not in the eyes of God. To God it was a “not quite yet”. In the 4 years since trying to start a community like this, and the beginning of Boldly Seeking, God broke my heart for the things that broke his. He challenged me and pruned my life in so many ways! 

I walked through 4 years of streams of rushing water and extreme droughts, and 4 years later sitting in a parking lot, the dream came back. And gosh, was I even more nervous. I was fearful of failing again. I didn’t want this dream to go away, but I was also scared that if I took the leap of faith that I would be disappointed again. However, that night, driving 2 hours home, God said “you’re ready and never alone.” 

And within a few months began Boldly Seeking Ministries, and 2 years later there have been some incredible moments! Our team has met some of the most selfless individuals, we’ve had fruitful and challenging conversations, and have seen God’s hand in and amongst this community.

Friend, I encourage you, whatever dream is on your heart that God has given you, chase it! Chase it with all your heart and do not let the fear of failure stop you! If you do fail, you are not failing, God is just saying “It’s not time yet”, give yourself grace and lean into the Will and plan He has for you. I know it is a lot easier said and done, but one of the biggest lessons I have learned over the past two years is that…

If God has put a dream, desire, or passion on your heart, chase it, and believe in every step of the journey whether good or bad.

Friends, I want to say thank you! Thank you for being a part of this community, engaging, and supporting not only us but each other. Thank you to our team’s support system, families, prayer partners, and mentors. Thank you to our countless guest writers who take a chance on this ministry and community and share their hearts with so much wisdom and grace. 

I am so excited for what is to come in year three! Like how is this even real!?!? 

No matter what this next year brings, what trials and joys we will face, we, our team, invite you into the celebration. We invite you into the journey and excitement of what God has in store! 



Every Little Blessing


Purity Monster