Every Little Blessing

Hey everyone! The last time I wrote, I felt called to write about the tough time I was, and still am, going through. For those of you who read it, thank you. I know it was, well, a bit heavy and not very uplifting. For those of you who couldn’t get through it, I understand. I truly don’t know if I, myself, could get through reading it. Today’s is joyful, though, so please keep reading! 

As I sat down to write this blog, I remembered tomorrow is my Goddaughter’s birthday. She’ll be one whole year old! She is such a ray of sunshine and when I think of her, I cannot help but smile. She is a complete blessing. That’s when I heard God say, “write about the blessings.” In a complete, full-circle moment, I was reminded that I was given that very same piece of advice before I went off to college. “Make a journal and write down each blessing so you can look back on it all.”

Through the struggles I have been facing, the things that get me through are the small moments of joy, blessings both big and small. A compliment received, a laugh shared, a new tasty treat, the sound of rain, a friend reaching out, knitting in the sunlight, a cold glass of water, a picture of my Goddaughter, time with family, a deep breath. They’re all things for which I have so much gratitude. 

I could spend all day beating myself up for all the things I did wrong or complaining about how others wronged me. I could choose to wallow and isolate, be disappointed in myself for struggling with simple tasks. Or, I could choose to find the one nugget of good and hold onto that. When we really step back and look at our lives every day, I’m sure that, even on the worst days, there is at least one good thing to stop and give grace and praise for. 

Also, God WANTS us to be joyful. Even in our suffering, even in our loss, even in our pain. That does not mean He wants us to pretend to be happy or suppress our hurt for the sake of having it all together. That isn’t helpful or honest. Life is messy and that is by design. We have to feel our feelings. But He doesn't want us to beat ourselves up for experiencing and expressing joy, even amid the worst of times. It’s pretty much encouraged. 

James 1: 2-3 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” And John 16:20 says “Very truly I tell you, you will weep and mourn while the world rejoices. You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy.” Yes, there is pain and suffering. Yes, we can be hopeless and wounded. But we can also choose to lean on Him and the joys He gives us, even as we struggle. 

I am pretty much the worst journaler alive. Like, truly awful. I will start a journal and write maybe every day for a week, but will forget and never pick it up again. But I want to encourage you to start taking stock of the blessings you experience each day.  If you’re like me and journaling isn’t your thing, find your own way of documenting. Take a photo of the moment and make an album (whether digital or physical - you could even make an instagram specifically for it!), draw out your blessing, write a note in your phone and pin it. However it works for you, do it! Taking time to notice the good things around you can change how you see the world. 

I’m not done with my pain, but it holds no further power over me. I do, and will, still have hard moments, days, and weeks, but I will give thanks and praise for every single blessing God has given me because it is the sweetest gift. I hope you’ll join me and do the same.


Trust. Confidence. Hope. Assurance. Reliance. Faith.


Cheers to Year Two!