Our sweet new friend Tia is bringing you an amazing message this week. We hope you feel challenged and encouraged! Read below, comment, and join the conversation! XO, the Boldly Seeking Team


Happiness is not something you find at the end of the road, it’s here and now. Today I chose to be happy. For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness. I can go on and on..about ways that people find ways to be happy. Some people cook, bake, sleep, find it in other people, work out or shop. There are many ways people find happiness. As for me I clean, not exactly the scrub every inch of my house clean. The kind where you go through your things and think you are going to get rid of clutter. Only really you just move things to different places and throw away receipts.  

Just for a moment I am going to trade my room for my life. Today I cleaned my room, I got rid of a few things here and there. Mostly just rearranged my clutter. My life currently is cluttered and I can’t seem to get rid of my things I just look at, oh but rearrange, yes! check! oh how I can rearrange my clutter. Mostly because I am not entirely sure what my “clutter” is. Also, the clutter that I am aware of, I am not entirely sure that I want to get rid of it.  

Not all clutter is bad clutter, after all they are things at one point we wanted! we bought that “clutter”! We made room in our lives for it. We have kept it over time because we wanted to. What if the clutter was just temporary? How do we just abandon the things that we put thought, time and effort into?  


What if cleaning out the clutter doesn’t mean getting rid of it all? But it means fixing it, wiping away the dust and putting it in a different location. Our clutter has brought us happiness at some point, how can we just grow tired of our things and throw them away. Why can’t we just be content with what we have. We don’t even have to want different clutter and still we can’t be simply content with the clutter we have. My point is that we can clean up our lives but we won’t have to get rid of all the clutter. How do we do that? How do we clean up things that aren’t tangible? How do we ease our minds into thinking and trusting that there is a way to “clean up” the jumble or disarrangement in our minds?

In clean spaces we feel safe, we feel like we have room to breathe. We don’t feel heavy and burdened down with clothes laying on the floor or papers from months ago peeking out of our shelves. We have room to think and we aren’t sinking in everything around us. But in the midst of laying in all of our things we might just want to look around at the things we have been hoarding and appreciate what they offer us now. Before they offered us a different happiness, today right now the happiness is different. Before we just pack up the old things and throw them away, we need to decide if the happiness our clutter offers us now is enough. Do we believe that our “mess” can bring us happiness continually? I am not talking about settling, because the Lord and God himself DID NOT design us to be children of complacency. What I mean is, can we look at all of our things, lay them out or list them out, and say “yeah, this I can fix, and I trust my relationship with the Lord enough to let him help! And I KNOW He will, and I know I have the power to work alongside Him to CLEAN this up.”

The Lord promises if we lay our yoke upon him that OUR burden will be light. SO, why aren’t we showing him the way to our clutter?

I can’t speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself and say that; I tend to think the Lord has WAY better things to do and problems to solve than the messes I have created. That is where I error! That is where I decided that the Lord is above my problems, I misjudge Him in thinking that this is something “He can’t fix” or even won’t fix. I think my things aren’t big enough for the SON OF GOD to WANT to clean up. Recently, I received a firm but loving message from the Him that I don’t get to decide what He is or isn’t going to do. I don’t get to say He isn’t going to come through for me. How dare I DECIDE that The Son of Man isn’t good enough for my mess! Or even TOO GOOD for me. I decided that not Him. Not once in scripture during the time of His reign on earth did the Lord say, these problems are beneath me! In fact, He said the opposite often. In Matthew 11, He says come and I shall give you rest. In other words, for the sake of our scenario here, let me come and clean up with you! Many times, I have thought that it was me begging the Lord to declutter my life, and recently I’ve learned that the Lord is pleading WITH me to let him in. He WANTS to help, He is asking! Tia, let me help, let me take down that help wanted sign on your heart and mind, I got you! For this is the reason I came to lay down my life.


We have the utensils, means and support of a fearless, worthy, perfect and loving Savior, to clean up our messes, mistakes and whatever our clutter may be. Let us stop deciding if He is worthy or cares enough to fix it. HE IS! If you needed a sign, here is it. HE IS enough to fix your problems, HE IS waiting to ease your burdens, HE IS WAITING for you to know all that He is.

Now I am not saying you play no role in decluttering; oh, we play a major role in this clean up. However, hear me when I say STOP IT! This is not something you are doing alone ANYMORE. We are asking for help and taking it .

Here is our role, remembering we all have different types of “clutter.” This is not JUST you; everyone goes through this. Look at what you are hoarding, decide if you are cleaning it up and keeping it! or if it is not something you want to hold on to anymore. Cleanliness is not always about getting rid of things or making them neat either. Sometimes it is about adjusting things and making them better. Lastly, but MOST importantly remember that the Saviors love is matchless, it is enough to declutter I promise you. HE IS enough to clean up alongside you. HE IS asking you to let Him in to help. Let Him in. He has got just what our clutter needs to be either thrown away or cleaned up.


God Knows

