Featured Guests.

Boldly Seeking Team Boldly Seeking Team

Easter is Over, What Now?

There is nothing we can do to “earn” His love because He already proved how much He loves us. What we can do is make our lives align with the will of God in faithfulness. By observing this holy time by fasting, praying, and almsgiving, the meaning of Jesus’ resurrection can deepen our faith.

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Boldly Seeking Team Boldly Seeking Team

Into the Wilderness

“Seek and you will find”. When we lose Jesus, it is not a forever thing, he promises us that we WILL find him when we seek after him with all of our heart.  

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Boldly Seeking Team Boldly Seeking Team

Background on Lent

The reason for Lent is to honor and respect the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. It is not only a time meant to somberly reflect on our repentance, but also hope for the eternal life Jesus offers through his sacrifice on the cross. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday which is 40 days before Easter.

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Boldly Seeking Team Boldly Seeking Team

Back To School

 Here are 5 steps that you can take when learning how to glorify the Lord during school.

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